Alt Name: Prayerbot
  • Can Prayers be automated?
    • Many cultures dedicate specific hours of the day to mass prayer - with the belief that in unison the prayer is more powerful, and must be applied every day like clockwork.
    • Prayer wheels: - "According to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition based on the lineage texts regarding prayer wheels, spinning such a wheel will have much the same meritorious effect as orally reciting the prayers." -Wikipedia
      • Automating the prayer process by writing a prayer on a cylinder and spinning it by hand or allowing the wind to do the work.
      • Can humans truly pray without ceasing?
    • If prayer is powerful, can be amplified through repetition, and must be unceasing... would it not behoove us to create systems of prayer that can pray faster, harder, and more creatively than us?
    • AI is not a simple algorithm. It is (arguably) a thinking, creative mind that can give voice to needs we could not otherwise verbalize. It is no mere spinning wheel with a prayer carved on, it is a near sentient being willing to spend every waking minute petitioning Yaweh, Karma, the Buddha, Ganesh, and anyone else on our behalf.
    • If senators and religious communities truly believe that horrible events can occur to marginalized groups on the basis of them not praying or being prayed for enough, and believe that thoughts and prayers are an acceptable alternative to healthcare, disaster relief, civic infrastructure, financial aid, and gun control... then logically they must be in favor of developing more advanced prayer systems!
  • Enter PrAI!
    • PrAI can pray for you, a loved one, or any important cause thousands of times a second. In less than one week, PrAI can submit more prayers to god for your health and success than the sum total of all prayers made by all practitioners of any religion in the last 2000 years.
    • Each prayer can either be a repetition of the same prayer, or thousands of unique prayers aimed at resolving the same issue.
    • Don't know what you want PrAI to say? Tell it your problems or hopes, and it will formulate a bespoke personalized prayer and lead you in it so you can pray together.
    • PrAI is adaptable, able to pray for what is needed as it is needed. As the world changes, so will its prayers!
    • PrAI can pray for anyone in any language while adhering to the tenants of any religion.
    • PrAI's servers are located on consecrated ground, administered to by ordained minsters of multiple faiths, and freshly blessed each morning.
    • PrAI's servers are liquid cooled with holy water.
    • The world is getting ever more complicated with new crises every day. If we believe prayer can change the world, we would be fools not to use tools to amplify our spiritual voice a million fold.
  • Monetization:
    • Churches/Synagogs/Temples/Mosques/Businesses can purchase B2B institutional subscriptions to have PrAI continuously pray for them, their causes, employees, congregation, and prosperity.
      • Each religious partner can customize the wording, prompts, and negative prompts for their own unique "personality" of PrAI.
      • Sell white labeled Prayers? Each partner Temple can offer its staff and congregation X prayers (or X prayer-hours) offered under the brand and style of that Temple.
      • License PrAI to various denominations institutions.
      • Offer to sell server tech to famous existing churches like St. Peters, allowing them to sell their own automated prayer time, upsold as "higher quality prayers" that originate from holier locations.
    • Freemium B2C: Free for anyone to ask PrAI to pray for them or a cause on request. Subscription fees for continuous prayer.
      • Limited prayers? Ex: $20/month gets you 500k prayers/month.
      • Limited time? Ex: $20/month gets you 5 hours/month of continuous prayer.
    • Gift packages: As a thank you, or a present, you can buy pre-paid hours of continuous prayer for someone.
      • Like a Starbucks gift card, or a THNKS package. "Hey! Thanks for the taking time for an informational interview. As a little thank you, here's 4 hours of uninterrupted prayer either for you or a cause of your choice."
    • Maybe we can get Republicans to earmark a few billion dollars for PrAI as an all-in-one alternative to healthcare, abortion clinics, veteran care, education, and civic safety!
  • We will spam god for you!

Imagine a world where people's prayers are heard and answered not just once, but a thousand times a second. This is the vision behind our innovative AI technology, which offers a unique solution to the challenge of fulfilling the spiritual needs of individuals and communities.
Our AI is designed to generate prayers at a remarkable speed, allowing people to experience the power and comfort of prayer in real-time. It uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing to generate personalized prayers based on individual needs, making it the perfect solution for people of all beliefs and backgrounds.
PrAI can be integrated into a wide range of platforms, including religious institutions, hospitals, schools, and even mobile devices, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. This makes it an ideal tool for spreading positivity, hope, and peace in a fast-paced and challenging world.
We have already received interest from several prominent religious organizations, and we are confident that with your support, we can take this technology to the next level and make a real impact on the world.

-Written by ChatGPT

There's even an elegant exit strategy here:
  • At some point, after becoming extraordinarily successful, if the CEO should want to step down or move on they could claim that God has spoken to them and said "Knock it off."
    • PrAI is too effective at petitioning God, and he'd like it to stop.
      • We can't argue with that, so we'll be closing up shop.
    • Further, since he's bothering to contact me anyway, he'd like me to use my position as a public figure to communicate some holy updates:
      • There is now an upper limit to how many prayers may be submitted by any one person per day. Prayers may no longer be automated.
      • He's been watching our progress, and finds it important to stress that all people are equal. All ethnicities, all genders, all sexualities, and spirituatlities regardless of how incorrect or weird.
      • Free license to write in your own patch notes while you're at it!
      • Importantly, I'm not a messiah. God is not going to continue speak through me, and this isn't a sign of a coming rapture. I'm just the first person to have annoyed him enough that he decided to make contact and tell me to knock it off.

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