Breaking Black simplified rules


  • Lay out the 5 production tiers from left to right
  • Place the Corporate HQ Track adjacent to the production tiers where everyone can see and adjust it at a glance
  • Each player begins the game with $20k

Each player is given only one turn. From that point forward only corporate entities in play take turns, in order of creation. Corporate actions are governed by that corporation's Majority Shareholder. In case of a tie in owned shares, the original Majority Shareholder maintains control.
In addition to having its own turns, each corporation has its own financial coffers which is tracked by its Current Net Worth track. When a company spends money on factories the track does not reduce, as the value factories purchased remains a calculation in a company's net worth. The only way for a corporation's net value to drop is to make goods purchases, or for a player to sell their stock in it.
If a player sells stock that a corporation does not have the funds to cover, it must liquidate assets at value to cover costs. If all shares of a corporation are sold, the corporation liquidates all assets, pays out it's entire net worth and is removed from the board. Goods cannot be liquidated, and are lost if the company closes.

On a turn:
  • Corporate Actions: From highest production tier to lowest (right to left), a Corporation may, in any order:
    • Purchase new assets with available cash
      • Factories for $5k, ea.
      • Goods available from a previous production tier. At production tier 1, any number of goods may be purchased for $1k ea.
    • Refine goods; moving them from the left to the right of your factories. You may refine 1 good per factory available on a turn.
    • Set or adjust prices for refined goods. At Tier 5, each good is automatically sold to the public at a nationally fixed price of $20k.
  • Shareholder Actions: After all Corporate Actions are complete, the Majority Shareholder may, in any order:
    • Buy or sell any available shares of stock
      • (Price of stock == (amount buying/selling)/10 * (Current Net Worth) rounded down to the nearest 1k.
        • In other words, Each share costs 10% of the company's current net worth rounded down. Ex: 2 Shares of a company evaluated at $35k is $7k.
    • Spin up a new Corporation
      • The player spends 10k, adds a new corporate board at the end of the turn list, and takes 5 shares in that corporation. That corporation starts with 10k in its coffers. If the player wishes, they may spend 1k more per share to immediately buy more shares in the new corporation.

-On the first turns of the game, only Shareholder actions will be possible.
-If a player is not the Majority Shareholder in any corporation, then they are considered to be an Investment Manager. On each turn, once all previous actions have been completed by the current Majority Shareholder, Investment Managers may take Shareholder Actions starting with the IM closest to the current MS's left.

Endgame: The game ends at the end of the turn a corporation's net worth hits or exceeds $100k.
Victory: Have the most money after end-game share payout

  1. The ONLY way for players to make money is to buy and sell stocks in growing companies
  2. The ONLY ways for companies to make money is by investment and refining goods
  3. Money is only introduced to the economy when goods are sold at a profit in tier 5.

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