Social Chaos Game: Anarchy

Make a card game that involves bluffing/lying/tactics that requires few tokens or board pieces. Ideally something that can be taken on backpacking trips like a simple deck of cards.

Core Concept: A mashup of Love Letter, Renegade, Guillotine and Masquerade.
  • Each player is randomly dealt one Faction card facedown.
    • This card is for their eyes only and does not get passed around. Each Faction has a different win condition.
  • Each player is then randomly dealt one Noble card face up. The rest of the nobles are shuffled into a deck placed near the play area.
    • Every Noble has an ability that effects the game in some way.
      • Force a player to exchange his noble for the top one of the deck, force a player to give his gold/points away, Earn points, etc.
  • At the beginning of the game, after everyone has had a chance to look at and understand the Nobles in play and who owns them, nobles are flipped face down.

  • During their turn, a player may:
    • Name which noble they are (without revealing) and enact it's effect. They may lie.
    • Or use their turn to check which noble they are.
    • Or exchange their noble with one from the deck (and look at which noble they drew)
      • Whenever a player discards a noble it goes to the bottom of the deck.
  • At the end of their turn, a player may swap their face down noble with any other player's noble. (without looking at them)

  • When a player claims they are a noble, any other player may call their bluff.
    • Reveal the accused player's Noble:
      • If they are who they say they are, the accuser looses their next turn. (Losing a turn isn't fun. Perhaps looses 1/2 of their gold.)
      • If not, the accused player's turn immediately ends without their ability triggering, or performing end-of-turn swapping.

Card Whiteboard:
  • Inquisitor/Inspector: Ask a player who they are. They must name a Noble, then reveal their own.
    • If they are the named noble, nothing happens.
    • If they are not, they must put their noble on the bottom of the deck and draw a new one. They loose their next turn.
  • Assassin: Choose a player and name a noble. That player looks at their noble in secret.
    • If its the named noble they reveal and place it is killed, the player draws a new one.
      • Otherwise they just say no and the turn ends.
    • When a noble is killed, it goes to the player that killed it adding or subtracting points to their final score
  • Drunk: Swap this noble for any other player's noble (without revealing or looking at either), then claim what your new role is and use its power as if you had started the turn with it.
    • Players can call BS on either part of this action.
  • Certain cards (king etc.) give points as their abilities
  • If you think there are multiple in play and don't believe anyone will call BS on you, you can chain these to swap a bunch of player's cards about to mess them up.
  • Police Guard: No other player may swap with your card until the start of your next turn.
  • Witch Hunters: You win if you can correctly guess what faction every other player is. You may only guess if you currently have the Witch Hunter General as your noble.
  • Guild of Shadows: point bonus if you manage to kill the Royal Family. (Nobles are part of different groups. Think Guillotine - Purple suit)
  • When all nobles in the deck are dead, point bonus. (not the nobles in play, if there's no more noble deck because of how many are dead.)
  • point bonus for earning a certain number of points, but subtract 5/10 points for every noble card in your graveyard.

Prototype V1:


On your turn you may either:
  • Name your character and use it’s ability,
    • OR look at the character card in front of you privately,
    • OR return your hero to the bottom of the deck and draw a new one. Look at it privately.
  • THEN, when you have done one of the above, you may choose to swap your character card with any other player's character card.
  • The game ends when the deck is milled out. The player with the most points wins.

You may claim that you are anyone that you want to be, however another player may attempt to call you on your bluff. When this happens reveal your card.
  • If you are who you claimed to be, the accusing player looses a point.
  • If you are not, the accusing player gains a point and your turn immediately ends.

  • 1x King: Gain 3 points.
  • 2x Queen: Gain 2 points
  • 2x Prince: Gain 1 point
  • 2x Protector: Other players may not swap characters with you until your next turn.
  • 2x Investigator: Look at another player’s card privately. If it is an Assassin, Thief or Impersonator you may choose to reveal it to everyone and gain a point.
  • 1x Thief: Target player looses two points and you gain two points. Put the Thief on the bottom of the deck and draw a new card without looking at it.
    • 2x Impersonator: Swap your character card with any other player’s character. You may play that character as if you started the turn with it.
    • If the card you swapped for is face down, you do not get to look at it.
    • Players may call your bluff when you claim to be the Impersonator, and again when you claim to be the role you took.
  • 2x Assassin: Point at a player and attempt to name their character. If you are correct, you kill it and collect it in your score pile. That player draws a new character without looking at it.
    • If you fail, the assassin runs to the bottom of the deck and you draw a new card without looking at it.
    • If you try to kill an assassin with an assassin, the enemy assassin runs to the bottom of the deck.

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