LoL Champion: Elizah

The time hopper/Unstuck from time/Trapped transcendent

Elizah is an AP caster designed to be effective as a mid lane poke mage, bottom support, or jungle based ganker.
The general theme of Elizah is that he's an ordinary bloke who has accidentally gotten himself unstuck from time, and has very little control over his situation. All of his abilities cause havoc across the battlefield by speeding up, rewinding, or jumping through time; but can also easily backfire if not used carefully.

In contrast to Zilean who comes across as a calm and controlled master of time, Elizah is meant to come across much more energetic and chaotic - having a greater impact on team fights and field control... but potentially helping the enemy team by accident.

Lore: An apprentice researching Zilean's condition, attempting to find a cure/replicate the accident/something goes haywire/stuck between dimensions. His presence in the Summoner's Rift comes to the ongoing (and glitchy) effort by the League to stabilize him.


Q: Chronosplosion
Elizah creates a blast of distorted time energy at a location that explodes in slow motion and displaces enemies.

  • Elizah creates a small explosion at the cursor's position that slowly expands over the next 4 seconds. Enemies take a small amount of periodic damage and receive a weak slow each .5 second they stand inside the explosion.
  • At the end of the explosion - when it's reached maximum size - the explosion returns to normal time and deals a large burst of magic damage to everything inside and pushes enemies a short distance away from the explosion's center.

    • The cooldown should be set so that at max rank two Chronosplosions can be in action on the field at any given time; 3 when used in conjunction with Temporal Shift.
    • Although the explosions expand slowly enough for most enemy champions to react and get out of the way, they grow large enough that they can be placed to control the field by zoning champions and teams.
    • Enemies can still move through the explosions without taking the full damage of the ability if they are careful not to be nearby when they finish expanding.
    • As Elizah's only damage and harassment tool, it is spam-able (2/3 out on the field at once)... but each cast should eat enough mana to encourage strategic placement.
    • If you can catch an enemy champion with the first tick of damage at the beginning, it's possible that the slow will prevent them from out running its expansion.

W: Temporal Shift
Elizah causes time to run faster in a small area of effect

  • Elizah marks a spot on the ground that will grant dramatically increased movement speed, attack speed, and cooldown reduction to all champions inside.
  • If a Chronosplosion is placed inside an area affected by Temporal Shift, the explosion will explode rapidly over the course of 1.5/1/.5 seconds.
  • If Elijah stands inside of Fast Forward, it is possible to cast a third Chronosplosion before the first explosion ends.

    • This, when combined with Chronosplosion gives Elijah his burst damage combo. Having three explosions growing on the field at once can trap and punish an overextended enemy. Especially if you can get one explosion to shove them into the next like a pinball bumper.
    • Elizah can preform a powerful ranged nuke by throwing out a Chronosplosion followed by a fast forward before the enemy has time to react, causing it to detonate much faster. However, this will also grant the enemy more movement speed to dodge.
    • Excellent for giving your carries a huge bonus during a team fight.
    • Fast Forward can easily backfire, as enemy champions are affected as well. A smart enemy team can push you or your teammates out of an area marked with Fast Forward and gain the upper hand.
    • Also useful in chasing and escaping enemy pursuit- but again can backfire.

E: Flash Back
Elizah sends a player back in time to a previous state.

  • Elizah sends a single target player back in time 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.

    • Elizah's main support/cc tool.
    • Can be used to pull a teammate out of danger and heal them if they've over extended.
    • Can be used to repel incoming ganks and initiates, or remove a recent heal from an enemy.
    • Flash Back is also great for just causing confusion in a fight.
    • Due to Flash Back's situational effect, Elizah players must pay close attention to the sequence of events, or the spell may backfire by healing and pulling back a fleeing enemy or shoving a vital team mate out of a fight.
    • Should have a high mana cost and a long cool down to prevent overuse.

R: Flash Forward
Elizah transports all nearby champions into the future.

  • Elizah channels for 1 sec, then transports all champions (including himself) in a (roughly Trundle W) area of effect into the future; removing them from the game for 3/4.5/6 seconds. Elizah returns to the field 1/1.5/2 seconds prior to the end of Flash Forward's effect.

    • Flash Forward affects all champions in range, enemy or ally.
    • Effected champions are considered stunned, invincible, and invisible for the duration.
    • Flash Forward resets the counter on hiccup
    • The 1 sec channel grants enemies and allies the opportunity to get out of the way.
    • Flash Forward is meant to be incredibly disruptive during a team fight, and can serve a number of strategic purposes such as locking up a fight long enough for your team to group up, allowing teammates to run away, or dividing enemy forces.
    • Elizah returns to play a few seconds before anyone else, giving him time to run or setup a combo of Chronosplosions before enemies reappear.
    • Without team coordination, Flash Forward can backfire granting enemy players time to prepare, or stranding your carries all alone in a fight.

Passive: Hiccup
Elizah pops in and out of temporal sync as he continues to cast spells.

  • After every 4th spell cast Elizah teleports 1 second into the future, becoming stunned invincible and invisible for the duration.

    • Prevents constant spell casting, players must strategically pick their spell combos in sets of 4.
    • Can be used to great advantage; a good player can use hiccup to dodge spells.
    • Can be a great weakness; enemies can take advantage of Elizah frequently rooting himself in place
    • All of Elizah's abilities are highly noticeable, and it's easy for enemies to predict when hiccup is coming up.
    • A tactic is to cast Chronosplosion at your location as you hiccup, damaging and potentially pushing away enemies who choose that moment to charge in.


Born a lad of Piltover, Elizah loved to tear apart magic and machine to see what made them tick. Not so much what you would call an inventor in the Piltoverian sense as he seldom constructed any grand machines; Elizah's mind was obsessed with divining the secrets by ripping them apart and trying to puzzle them back together.
There, he met Zilean and became completely obsessed with his Chrono-displasia. For months Elizah studied and experimented combining Zilean's magics and Piltover techmeturgy in a quest to find a cure. Over time his experiments became more and more volatile - as he dissected the very components that fuel the motion of time strange images and things began to appear. Summoners who would visit him would see visions of themselves echoing through time, past and future... or would try to leave only to enter once more and be caught in an ongoing time loop.
One day a massive explosion of slow time broke out of Elizah's study, consuming his tower and all of his work, before suddenly imploding upon itself. Elizah was assumed dead until stories began crop up of Elizah suddenly appearing out of nowhere saying something that seemed to be a fragment of a word before suddenly disappearing again.
Realizing that Elizah as still alive, and stranded blinking in and out of reality in different time periods, the league dedicated a band of its most powerful Summoners to help root Elizah to the present. Although mostly successful in saving Elizah from an eternity of chaotic displacement, Elizah's newfound reality warping abilities places great strain on the Summoner magics that bind him in time.

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