Frictive Factories
Concept: Every action you do should allow other players an opportunity.
Buying cubes for other players to convert or reap the income from
Dividends give everyone capital
Auction allows all players access
converting creates valuable goods
Franchise creates new lean companies when existent ones have too many stock holders (parasites) cannibalising profit.
- Logistics and stock game
- Players don't take turns, companies do. (~imperial)
- On a company's turn, it takes #(3?) actions. The player who decides what those actions are is the majority share holder, followed by the next highest share holder and so on, looping back to the majority share holder if fewer than # invested players.
- Red company will take 3 actions: Steve is the MS, so he will take the first of those actions on behalf of Red. Then Brian will take the second action as he has one fewer share than Steve. Steve will take the third action.
- Ties for for majority share do not cause a change in player order. You must surpass to wrest control.
- If only one investor, that player takes all actions on behalf of the company.
- Companies will be able to purchase more actions (hiring a manager for greater action economy) -efficiency of growth.
- Companies have their own treasury separate from their shareholders.
- Game is a simple logistics economic game: (~Container/King Chocolate)
- purchasing rank 1 of a product costs fixed price ($1?) per cube.
- the equipment required to refine the product into different other products have set prices (escalating in cost for more complex conversions)
- Branching tech tree. Black cube can be made into white or green cube, each has different potentials tech tree wise (~Victory through industry/Factory Fun)
- selling rank 5 of a product pays out fixed value ($100?) per cube.
- Only way for capital to come into the game is through loans, or selling a finished tier 5 product.
- There are many forms of tier 5 product, some more valuable (but more convoluted or requiring more expensive equipment to produce)
- Actions:
- Buy:
- A company may spend money from its treasury to do one of the following:
- Purchase any amount of basic cubes from the market for a fixed price ($1?) each.
- Purchase any one equipment from the market for a set price
- Different equipment have different price tags depending on complexity and type
- Ex: Equipment to convert black cubes to yellow cubes for ($#) ea. might cost $20.
- Purchase any amount of cubes from one other company at that company's set price. (bulk purchases are more action efficient!)
- Pay back any number of loans.
- Sell:
- A company can sell its current inventory of cubes or equipment to the market for half of that cube/equipment's value.
- A desperation move for liquidation capital.
- Dividends:
- A company pays out to its investors from its treasury according to each investor's ownership.
- Ex: Company is sitting on $200, has 10 shares, with two investors who own 3 and 2 shares respectively. Player one gets a pay out of $60 (30% of 200), and player two gets paid $40 (20% of 200)
- Round down any fractions to the dollar, and leave any rounding change with the company.
- If a company has sold all of its shares, a dividend action may totally empty its treasury. (its entire profit margin for that period has been cannibalized by its board)
- Take a Loan (free action, only the majority shareholder may take this action):
- A company takes any number of $X(10?) loans from the bank into its treasury, along with a loan card.
- Every company operating turn, that company must pay $1 interest on each $(10?) loan card it holds.
- If a company cannot make good on its loan, it must sell assets at half cost to cover it.
- If a company still cannot make good, it closes, and its majority shareholder must cover the total remaining balance of the loan to the degree possible.
- Stock auction:
- The player may either:
- A: Put one un-owned company share up for auction
- The acting player may set the floor price for the share. All other players may make simultaneous open auction offers for the stock for 30s.
- The acting player may continue to bid up against other players above their starting floor price.
- Players may not name sums they cannot pay.
- Highest offer pays the named amount to the company's treasury, and takes the share.
- If no one offers to spend more than the floor price, the auctioning player buys the stock for that price.
- B: Put any number of shares they personally own in the acting company up for auction.
- The acting player may not set a floor price or bid or participate in the auction. Other players may fight to out bid each other, starting at any price, as low as $1.
- After 30s, the highest bid pays the acting player the bid amount to his personal account. in exchange for all offered shares.
- Convert & set prices:
- Run the company's equipment, converting any number of cubes from one type to another as your company's equipment allows and paying all associated costs.
- The specifics of how many cubes are used, and in what quantity they are converted through which equipment is up to the acting player.
- Each cube may be converted multiple times if relevant equipment exists within the company to do so.
- The acting player then gets to set/reset the sales price for each different product the company currently has in inventory.
- (Bulk processing of goods is more action efficient! Fighting internally over prices is not!)
- Ex. Redco. has 20 black cubes, an equipment that turns bla->green, and an equipment that turns 2bla->1blu and one equipment that turns green->red. The acting player Decides to convert 5 black cubes to blue, 5 black cubes to red, and 10 black cubes to 5 blue cubes. That player then gets to set Redco's sale price for its inventory of each.
- Franchise:
- The acting player spins up a new company, donating to its treasury any amount of money from their own private account, and instantly buying one share. (all companies have 10 shares from the get-go)
- After their initial share purchase, all other investors in the active (parent)company may choose to match their price for a share in the nacent startup. (all paying players will have equal stake, but the active player will be majority shareholder due to being the first founder, thus breaking the tie)
- The new company takes its place in corporate turn order behind all other companies.each other.
Game end: (???) (Maybe when 12th X super valuable cubes (hard to make) is sold to market?)
All companies must pay back their loans completely. See above about being unable to do so.
All company treasuries are totally split among their share holders according to share held. (ignore un-owned shares. A company with 5 shares sold splits the pot 5 ways.)
Most money wins.
ex. tech tree