Mana Trigger
Conversely Mana Spring/Savanna/Malevolent Miners/Don't Blink
- Objective:Be the last man standing
- Die to indicate which player you intend to attack
- Firebolt/Mana Pool/Market cards to indicate which you are visiting
- Card deck
- Mana marbles/tokens
Three locations:
- The Mana Fountain
- Players who visit the fountain are vulnerable to attack, but draw one mana at the end of the turn
- The Market
- Players who visit the market may not cast spells, but may purchase available cards and add them to their hand
- Your Keep
- One "goes" to the keep by playing any card other than "Mana Fountain" or "Market".
- Players who stay in their keep are safe from attack, but may not buy cards or draw mana
Each turn follows 3 steps:,
1.) Each player will simulatinously place one card face down and place one die atop it with their hand covering which side is up.
2.) Players simulatinously reveal their cards and die face. The card governs whether the player will be visiting the Mana Pool, The Market, or be casting a spell; and the die face governs which player is targeted (assuming it's a spell that targets a player.)
3.) Resolve card effects and player actions at the market and pool.
4.) Rinse and repeat until someone dies!
Mana pool:
- In the center of the table is a cup with 30 or so crystals.Player may spend turn collecting one, but by doing so leaving themselves vulnerable to attackDrought when no crystals left, all players are taxed according to possession. Damaged if unable to pay.Different color mana (?)
Players are "safe" while at the market (?)- Players purchase cards from the market with mana (independent to card cost to play)Price is set by bidding between players at the market that turnIf you are the only one at the market, defaults to 1 for non-speculated itemsMaybe similar system to PAX where newly introduced cards are expensive and cards that have been left around are cheaperIf following Pax style, can have cards that cause mana droughts and elemental shift bonuses that trickle down unless prevented
- Players can put down mana to "speculate" on cards they want but can't afford that turn. When that card is purchased the money goes to the player instead of the pool.Perhaps speculated cards are incremented in cost according to the amount of mana put down. "On hold until bought out."
If multiple players are in the market place, they may negotiate deals to trade cards from their hands with each other in exchange for mana or loyalty. Players may not show what cards are in their hands, but may freely tell each other what they have. Lying is encouraged.
- Possible market setup:Market is not safeThose who visit the market may make purchases/speculateA player can only purchase one card per turnA player may speculate on as many cards as he likesPurchasing is done via biddingSpeculating players drop money on a card but do not pick it up. Another player must pay more than the speculated cost to buy it, and all money spent is sent to purchase said card is given to speculating player instead of the bank.If a player buys a card he had previously speculated on, he returns the speculation money to his pool.When a card is discarded from the market, the speculation money is lost.5 cards are revealed from the market deckThere are seasonsEvery turn that no one buys a card from the market, the rightmost card is removed from the market and every card slides right one space. A new card is added to the far left side to maintain equilibrium of 5.When cards are purchased, at the end of the turn every card is moved to the right, and new cards are added on the left to maintain equilibrium of 5Status effect cards change the seasonSome cards will have a special effect if no one purchases the card before it is removed from the table. For example the Spring card will grant all players an additional mana every time they collect from the pool until replaced with another status effect When market deck is depleted, shuffle the market discard pile (not the player discard pile) and use it as the new deck. The game is over when this happens twice. (2 simulated years)
- 5 colors to cards: Red specializes in direct zap type spells, green in re-investment, black in permanent removal, blue in market purchases, white for long lasting status effects
Players can choose to be a wizard of a type. Each one has a passive effect adding value to same color cards encouraging play styles (?)Should every color have their own farms? or only green?red farms give one mana and Black farms steal one mana from another playerBlue farms give one mana and allow you to view the top card of the merchant deckGreen Farms give 2 manaPlayers can bid on other people's farms. Highest bid receives one mana whenever the controlling player does. Players pick/bring their own selection of cards for the deck. Instead of playing with separate decks, they combine their choices into a single whole where anyone can play anyone else's cards. (?)
- Status effects (white):Dampening field: If discarded, all players take one less damage from all sources until this card is replaced.Inflation: If discarded all spells including zap cost 1 more to play until this card is repleaced.Bloom: If this card is discarded, all players gain an extra mana every time they collect from the pool until this card is replacedDrought: If this card is discarded, all green cards loose their effect until drought is replaced. If Drought is purchased, place Drought in front of that player. His/her green cards loose their effect until drought is destroyed. Pay 1M to destroy Drought.Unstable Magic: If this card is discarded, every time a player gains mana they take that much damage until this card is replaced. If Mana leak is purchased, place it in front of that player. Whenever Unstable Magic's owner draws mana they take that much damage. They may then pass it to another player. Destroy Mana Leak after 4 passes.Black Ship: If this card is discarded, add three extra cards to the market. Players may purchase two cards instead of one until this card is replaced. If played from a hand, draw two cards from the top of the card deck.Endless rage: If discarded, whenever a player is damaged that player gains that many mana crystals until Endless rage is replaced.Trade War: If this card is discarded, players are no longer safe at the market. If played, all players who visit the market this turn take 1 damage.Tariffs: If this card is discarded, all bids at the market must be even until this card is replaced. (0,2,4,6)High demand: If this card is discarded, 2 cards are discarted from the market each turn instead of 1 until this card is replaced
- Red4x Fireball: S 2M, deal 3 damage2x Pyroblast: S 3M, deal 5 damage2xAssassin: S 2M, deal 2 damage to a player in their stronghold.4x Sniper: S 1M, Deal 1 damage to a player in their stronghold.5x Aegis: S 0M, You take no damage this turn3x No, You!: S 1M All damage done to you this turn is returned to it's owner.2x Incite rebellion: S 2M Target player takes 1 damage for every permanent they own.3x Split: S 1M Target spell also hits a new target of your choosing2x Absorb: S 1M This turn if a spell would hit you, take that spell's card into your hand instead.
- Green4x Farm: P 1M, Every time you collect a mana from the pool, collect one more.3x Harvest: S 1M Double the mana you receive next turn.2x Innervate: S 0M Gain two mana.2x Tithe: S 1M Every player gives you one mana
1x Hidden Reservoir: P You are no longer targetable when visiting the mana pool2x Bandits: P 1M Place on another player's Farm or Plantation. Whenever it would generate mana for that player, you receive it instead. That player may try to outbid you for control. Every turn whoever currently has the highest bid on Bandits receives that farm/plantation's production.Blood Magic: P Whenever you take damage, gain that many mana crystals. - Black3x Forgetfulness: S 1M Target player discards a card from his hand. If this card is discarded from the market, all players discard a card from their hands.2x "Accident": S 1M Destroy target permanent. If this card enters the garbage bin, everyone discards a permanent.4x Nope: S 1M counter target spell.3x Mine: S 2M Take control of target permanent4x Thought Steal: S 1M Take a card from another player's hand at random.3x Void Armor: P 2M Blocks the next two spells cast against you.3x Filch: S 1M Take one card from the top of a discard pile. If this card is discarded, remove all discard piles from the game.1
x The Dead Zone: P The DZ replaces your stronghold. The player that owns DZ may invite any other players to join him here on their following turn instead of going to the market or Pool. Players who go to DZ may not cast spells. If the owner and one or more other players show up, they may trade and negotiate as if at the market in relative safety. If only one player enters DZ then they do nothing for that round. - Blue1x Smuggler's Cove: P 2M You are no longer targetable when visiting the market3x Bargain Bin: P You may bid/buy the top card of the Market discard pile as if it were on offer.1x Counterflux Recombinator: P After another player plays a spell, you may buy it into your hand before it hits the discard pile by paying 3/ it's full mana cost.4x Edit the Manifest: S 1M Rearrange the cards in the market as you see fit.4x Whoops!: S 1M Discard an item from the market.2x Look over there!: S 1M Take an item from the market. This does not count as a purchase.4x Sight Unseen: S 1M Take the first card off the top of the merchant's deck and place it in your hand. 3x Cook the books: S 2M Move a player's speculation from one card in the market to another.2x Barter: S 1M Trade a card in your hand for one from the market without speculation on it1x Shipping Manifest: P You may look at the top two cards of the Merchant's deck at the end of each turn.1x Old Goldeye the fence: P When you sell your cards, receive two mana instead of 1.2x Gamble: S Shuffle your hand into the merchant's deck and draw that many cards back out.