SCP Site-21

A 3D base building game in the style of Evil Genius, Lobotomy Corporation, or Dungeons 3, where you are trying to contain and research SCPs defending from threats within and without, while balancing the more mundane needs of your site's budget, energy, and personnel.

The core of the game is in developing an all-purpose facility, and slowly being tasked with the containment and protection of an increasing number of unknown anomalies with unknown attributes. Successfully containing each anomaly requires in-game research, and direct player observation of behavior to understand and build out functional containment procedures.
Note: This game is mostly based on the Dungeons/Evil Genius control scheme where the player asserts little direct control over anything, mostly just appending orders and blueprint adjustments for units to then carry out as bast as able. The one exception is that the player has direct control over security personnel, and can order them to take hostile action at any point.

  • Must build out the Facility
    • Designing hallways, blueprints room placements and sizes
    • Tech tree research to adapt to current needs, upgrade units and rooms, unlock equipment
    • Power generator rooms, body bag rooms, security monitoring rooms, board meeting rooms etc.
  • Must hire scientists and Security, and run facilities that allow them to effectively do their job.
    • Deal with salary expenses, cost of training, etc.
    • Combat training rooms, armories, emergency containment breach utilities, Onsite Nuke, security checkpoints in hallways, and within containment cells.
    • Laboratories (some generic, some specialized for specific SCP studies to prevent breach)
    • Cafeterias, therapy rooms, entertainment rooms, medical rooms, dormatories
    • D-Class redundant variants of all the above
  • Must contain Anomalies
    • This is the core of the game. Player will be tasked with containing unknown anomalous objects that will behave in problematic ways, requiring the player to adapt, expand, and develop their own containment procedures.
      • Some anomalies are "safe" and can be stored in a basic containment chamber.
      • Some are living and require food, interaction, and other living and mental needs.
      • Some will spawn horrible insects that try to break out of their room and need to be gunned down before they breach into the facility.
      • Some are corrosive to their cell and require maintenance.
      • Some require special equipment that must be researched or specially trained staff to handle
        • Cognito-hazard professionals, therapists, doctors, occultists, etc.
      • Some will kill staff handling it, others will take control of staff handling it
      • Some will violently break free
      • some will be impossible to contain without understanding other fundamental requirements for containment
        • Must be kept in dark, away from generators... must be kept in constant view... must be delivered a sacrifice every day, etc.
      • ALL can potentially cascade failure if one breaching containment breaches the containment of another.
        • EX. A living anomaly breaching containment after killing a guard wanders a hall, and opens the containment cell of a "safe" object that grants it even more destructive capabilities.
    • Containment cells:
      • Generic and specialized.
        • Some containment cells can be researched and developed through a tech tree to aid in containing specialized anomalies.
        • Some containment procedures require cleverness on the part of the player to design the facility in a way to isolate an unstable containment.
          • (Ex: developing a Tower Defense-like labyrinthine corridor full of security checkpoints to contain an anomaly that regularly violently breaks free... paying to replace equipment and personal lost in each escape attempt.)
    • Security clearances: Like an oppressive technology firm, doors can be appended different security clearance requirements - limiting traffic of who can come and who may go through that wing. These clearance requirements are automatically dropped for all guards during an emergency.
      • Containment rooms can be set with allowable interactions with the contained anomaly; Testing, Interviewing, Feeding, Socializing, etc. in addition with limiting the clearance level and type of personal allowed to interact.
      • This provides a way to micromanage npc traffic, tighten security, and prevent unnecessary death in a game where the player does not have direct control over most units.
        • Ex: A cell containing a humanoid, but dangerous anomaly can be appended to only allow high clearance guards to avoid having general staff wander in attempting to feed and socialize with it. A separate station can be built for general staff to deliver food to be handed off to a stationed guard for feeding.
    • Guards:
      • The first line of defense against containment failures. Capable, armed to the teeth, and able to broadcast emergencies.
      • Active control: Guards are the only units in the game that the player has active micromanagement control over. All other units obey conventional "Dungeons" reaction to eventually carrying out earmarked player commands.
      • One alone is capable of taking down or incapacitating invading or compromised humanoids (infected other guards, D-class, or scientists), and squads are capable of taking down larger horrors, though often with significant losses and damage to the area.
      • But for their strength, they are still human.
        • Work in shifts, need sleep, food, and training.
        • Susceptible to cognito-hazards, and mind altering anomalies.
        • Can only bring conventional or researched equipment to bear.
      • Shift management will be important. Player may designate Taskforce Checkpoints for groups of guards to stand at alert in case of emergency, or spots that require only one guard to stay on vigilance (IE, outside the door of an anomaly.
        • Not an element a player will be made aware of to micromanage directly, but there should be hidden metrics for guard tiredness/boredom/susceptibility to mental influence that is greatly affected by shift rotation.
      • Each Guard has a name and team they belong to. It doesn't impact gameplay, but ads a little role-play when you get the notice that "Erik Gunderson (MTF-Molerat) is reporting disturbing night mares" as part of an alert of a slow anomalous effect taking place.
    • Scientists:
      • Primary means of research.
      • Enter containment cells to study/interview/test anomalies in person.
      • While guards remain mostly stationary while on duty, scientists roam. One Scientist may be assigned to multiple containment chambers and labs.
      • Not combat trained. Die easily.
      • Like guards, only human.
        • susceptible to mental influences, need more sleep, food, and entertainment than guards, have individual names, and hidden stats for behavior.
      • Scientists and testing can be the primary means for potential breaches or unexpected anomalous behaviour, as their research is tantamount to poking the thing and seeing what happens.
        • If testing directly, this also means "opening the door" on entry and exit.
    • General staff
      • Sub-servant to both guards and Scientists, general staff run Site-21.
      • General staff are the units that will construct new wings, purchase and place equipment, clean viscera off of corridors where allowed, maintain power rooms, operate security cameras, etc.
      • Can undergo training to become security guards or scientists.
    • D-Class:
      • Site-21 has a wing of prisoners that are used for dangerous assignments, sacrifices, and other uses.
        • The player has some control over how many D-class personal they wish to keep on site. They are very useful as cattle for handling dangerous anomalies without loosing precious scientists or guards, but they require an entire extra element risk and site maintenance.
          • D-class require their own and separate dormitories, cafeterias, medical wards, and entertainment... and unlike general staff, require constant supervision by guards in case of a D-Class riot and/or escape attempt.
      • D-class are expendable, but often uneducated and untrained for the tasks they are asked to complete. As such, a D-class interaction with an anomaly may produce more violent, chaotic or unmitigated results.
      • While D-Class are led through Site-21, they may attempt to break free and use whatever equipment/anomalous items available to aid them. This is especially true if they are being led to a particularly dangerous anomaly.
  • Must Protect Anomalies
    • Groups of interest will occasionally attempt to break into Site-21 for their own ends.
      • Serpent's Hand will use anomalous means of their own to break in and "liberate" sentient anomalies.
      • Chaos Insurgency will try to militarily brute force their way into Site-21 to steal and use "safe" and "euclid" anomalies.
      • The Church of the Broken God will plan precision strikes to liberate very specific high priority anomalies. The player will know these anomalies are a target before hand.

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