Trick-taker - Black Jack

Quick concept for a bidding mechanism in a trick taking game using a standard deck of cards:
  • Standard trick taking base:
    • Leader plays a card to start a "trick", all players must follow suit unless they cannot. Highest card wins the trick. Winner starts the next trick.
  • Trump suit decided by revealing top card of the deck
  • When a trick is won, it is placed in a face up pile in the winning player's tableaux, with the winning card placed on top.
    • The value of the trick = the value of the winning card.
    • If a trick is won via trump, the value of the trick = the highest trump, even if higher value cards are contained within.
  • End of round each player sums the value of each of their tricks and gains that many points.
    • All face cards are worth 10. Ace is 1 or 10.
    • If a player would earn more than 21 pts, they "bust" and instead gain -1 pt.
      • Players want to win tricks with low cards for more control over their sums, or attempt to avoid tricks - trying to only win one or two with a face.

Misc. (dubious) ideas to complicate the formula:
  • Trump suit decided by player bid.
    • Each player discards one card from hand face down, then simultaneously reveals.
    • The suit with the strongest showing (more cards, ties broken by value) becomes trump suit.
  • Two cards are dealt from the top of the deck to an imaginary "Dealer"; one face up, one face down.
    • To score points, you must win tricks of greater value than than the imaginary player's pile.
      • Maybe more mechanisms for manipulating the "dealer's" pile?
        • Swapping cards, taking or giving cards to the dealer, etc.
        • Special abilities on some cards that activate if they are won in a trick, incentivizing players to play high cards to grab them.
  • This overall concept might be very sensitive to the strength of a player's opening hand. If a player gets a lot of high cards, it will be difficult to shed them without winning tricks and busting.
    • Need ample means for players to manipulate their hands before a round begins:
      • Discarding cards before the round starts.
      • Passing cards face down to other players.
        • Perhaps including passing to the "Dealer" facedown to form their pile-to-beat?
        • What if instead of busting at 21, players bust if they go over the Dealer's face down pile?
          • Dealer pile is sum of facedown cards passed to them, plus one face up card flipped from the deck. (Maybe this decides trump suit)

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