Trick-taker - Dice Drafting

Top level: Dice Drafting where the remaining die (or lack of remaining die) has consequences on scoring.
Numbers (?) chosen will be adjusted through prototyping.

Game uses standard deck + red & black dice. (D6s, or D10s? Leaning towards D6)
  • Deal 10(?) cards to each player, then reveal top card of deck as trump.
  • Roll 6(?) dice (3 Red, 3 Black) and keep them together in the center of the table
    • Allow players some hand shenaniganery after seeing the dice pool
      • Card passing, card drafting, discarding, etc.
  • Aces are 1. Low.
  • Each time a trick is won containing a card that matches one of the dice in the middle of the table, the winner takes it with the trick.
    • Ex. Black 3 die in pool is taken during a trick in which the 3 of clubs or spades is played.
  • The round ends when either: (haven't decided, maybe both?)
    • There is either only one or no dice left in the center of the table.
    • When players are down to their last card which is then discarded face up.
      • Cards discarded this way are not shuffled back into the deck next round.
  • Play continues until each player has been dealer twice.

A few different ideas for possible scoring:
  • A.) Each trick is 1 pt + each die is 1pt
  • B.) Only tricks and dice of the color of the last remaining die are worth pts
    • or are worth double points
  • C.) Bidding: Players bid on # of dice claimed. If correct, get pts/trick
    • If no dice left, and bid 0 get 20(?) pts (shoot the moon)
  • D.) Bidding: The last die in the pool indicates the maximum # tricks everyone can score + dice
    • Hitting it precisely nets a jackpot 10(?) + tricks
    • Can be 0!
    • (?) And which suits qualify to be scored for tricks. (Black/Red)
Is there a way to turn this into an investment concept?
  • E.) Taking a die during play causes tricks of that suit to be worth +1?
    • Suits with no dice taken are worth nothing
  • D.) Tricks are worth pts = value of dice left in the pool Split by B/R. (I like this the best. Prototyped it, seemed to work OK.)
    • All dice gone, tricks worth 0
    • Ex. Black 2 left, all black tricks worth 2
      • It's easier to win higher dice by playing that die card. It's difficult (need trump suit) to win lower dice. Hypothetically the remaining dice pool will usually be low value.
      • +1 point/die earned
  • F.) Score tricks as they're won instead of at the end of the round
    • Based on value of dice of that suit won (previously and current) by all players
      • Tricks won before a die is taken= 0, first die trick =1, subsequent tricks = dice won of color
      • Might give other players free dice to make later tricks more valuable to yourself.
  • G.) Players hold back a number of cards (1? 2? Adjust in play testing for desired #of tricks possible) For the end of the hand.
    • When each player only has x cards left, they're revealed.
    • Dice worth points = the difference between red and black cards revealed.
      • Can be negative!
      • If tie (even player count) 0? Or high card wins?
    • Ex: 3 players, end of round cards revealed: 8C, 9H, KS. Black dice worth 1pt ea. Red -1pt ea.
    • goal is to force split focus between acquiring dice, and making them valuable.
    • With more cards held back, more room for pt variance.
    • Cards held back are discarded face up into an out of game pile and not reused in the next hand.
  • G2.) same as above but total value of held back cards determine dice points.
    • Jack is 11, queen 12, king 14, Ace 1.
    • Ex: 3 players, end of round cards revealed: 8C, 9H, kS. Black dice worth 12 ea.
    • Since dice are difficult to win by yourself, this might work to create collusion by having players "give" each other negative dice to poison the well or incentivize value collaboration.
    • Also creates a split decision for using high cards to take dice or holding back to support them.

Balancing the number of tricks possible to win (initial hand size) against the number of dice (opportunities to create value) is vital: 6 dice 10 cards?
  • If a player is only likely going to be able to win 1-3 tricks (typical), then there need to be ways to increase their value by handing off dice to other players... but if one player has 4 tricks while others only have 1, then they're hurting themselves.
  • Maybe add the last card is discarded rule (and removed from the deck for future rounds to avoid players being forced to help someone else.
  • Might require a larger pool of dice?

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